[Fmovies] Movie Call Me by Your Name

Call Me by Your Name [Fmovies]



Writed by: James Ivory
directors: Luca Guadagnino
Release year: 2017
Description: In 1980s Italy, romance blossoms between a seventeen-year-old student and the older man hired as his father"s research assistant

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I feel like I"m too stupid or immature to understand this movie. This movie shot me straight back to my adolescent exploration of love. After seeing it I went through days of processing old, deep-set emotions I pushed away at the time to not feel so much pain. It gave me a gift of cathartic processing. Ive fallen in love with both of them and Im so grateful for this film. My heart feels different, the quivering of innocent love alive again. ??.

Drink everytime a scene makes you cry. We would all end up drunk. I wish it had the correct aspect ratio. Just what every lonely gay male fantasises under 20, being like the sensitive, gifted, beautiful Elio, who is also inexplicably attractive to girls; if older, being like Oliver, a classic masculine Hollywood heartthrob, in a dreamy European setting, supported by a loving, affluent, understanding family. One cliché after another. And I fell in love with, just like, you know, Timmy. I"M CRYING OMFGFGDH.


The scene where elios father is talking to him about his pain is the best thing i have ever seen and i was crying my eyes out like a baby. This is really cool that you can rent movies from YouTube now.  YouTube, Amazon, and Netflix, probably some of the greatest innovations of this century. This is one of my favorite scenes, i don"t even know why but their something about the way timothèe said god, we wasted so many days. When he whispers Elio over and over I started crying. ???????????? Armie talking about his big summer romance is making me cry. Dej mi sv c3 a9 jm c3 a9no review. I mean, yeah, it"s wonderful that Shape Of Water won for Best Picture. But I honestly think this film deserved it the most. So so much freaking chemistry! It almost seems like they"re actually in love with each other! Makes me wish that they were both gay and single.

Fun fact: Elia is olive in greek. Elia is female pronoun=> Elio is male pronoun Olive is short for Oliver. “Call me by your name and I call you by mine” still cant get over to this line. I haven"t even seen this movie. But the way he says Elio. My heart ??. Finally saw it, I love it, This movie made me extremely happy for some not even that uplifting of a movie but it just put me in a great mood. Stop allowing negative reviews from people who"d rather play Call of Duty than read a book turn you away from an exceptional film. Such people will never understand a movie of this caliber. I adore how the movie isnt a gay love story. Its just a love story. There is absolutely zero fetishization or over sexualization and its beautiful.

Is no one gonna mention the parents? How their expressions summed it all up. At least we know that even though oliver"s going to marry someone. He"s still deeply in love with Ellio. At least we know that everything they"ve done is crystal clear to oliver. I just don"t understand how that kind of passion the way elio brings his hand under Oliver"s shirt and the way they kiss I don"t understand how they can just walk off set and not think about it ever idk God it"s amazing to watch tho.


Elio has no business looking that good just after waking up. I never understand why people view slow pacing as a negative. I can"t stop staring their faces and try to find what or who they remind me during all the interviews. As if Timothee sometimes looks like a mixture of a very young Henry Cavill and Matthew Goode, and as for Armie, he is like a delicate combination of a younger Michael Fassbender and a bit of Ryan Gosling... My phone ALMOST DIED watching this movie to the end! ?? ?? ??‍?? (It was very courageous and would NOT give up. Winston Churchill was a big advocate of chemical warfare. Britain used chemical bombs against the Bolsheviks in Russia in 1919, and against Iraq in 1920. I do not understand this squeamishness about the use of gas. I am strongly in favour of using poisoned gas against uncivilised tribes. Winston Churchill, May 12, 1919.

I started to cream in my knickers as soon as Ive heard the heartbreaking instrumental. I watched this is class and this is a fantastic movie. But looking at the comments are little kids who have no taste in movies. A lovely gentle film about forbidden love and growing from teenager into adulthood
Chalamet is wonderful in his role as the younger guy in the relationship,and the gorgeous Italian scenery added to the atmospheric feel of the film. When Elio says Elio? Elio Elio Elio it"s like he"s begging Do you remember the time we had together? member remember remember.

I really love his shirt! I"m so grateful to see his win. Call Me By Your Name is a beautiful masterpiece. ?????‍??. Defiantly my favourite film from 2017 and would recommend anyone to I watch it. Timmy and Armie really said “Lets do jeans today.” ??. This saved me because my girlfriend asked me if I had seen it and so long story short thanks. I don"t resent James Ivory this win, at all. However, why was the author of the book Call Me By Your Name at the ceremony and Greg Sestero wasn"t? ALL of the authors should have received an invitation. This category (and these great movies) wouldn"t even exist without the source material. Supposedly, Sestero was reduced to scrambling around until the last minute trying to get an invite, which is a disgrace. If a book was worthy enough to be adapted into an Oscar-nominated film, the authors of all said books should be invited to the ceremony.

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